Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Love Tracks

Do you know where you are going in life? Is your life on track to where you want it to go? How are your relationships?

I was talking with a young friend of mine this morning. He is in a relationship with a young lady - both of them believers.

Most relationships these days seem to be instantaneous. A young guy might look twice at a young lady and the next thing you know, it's Facebook official!

My conversation with my friend made me stop and think about our earthly relationships and what it is we are after?

"The world" would have us meet someone and "fall in love." It might be romantic. It might not. We might date or we might not. The relationship might be with someone of the opposite sex but it might not. There are so many different tracks for relationships these days, it can be frightening.

Do you read the Bible at all? You don't even have to read the entire thing to be able to get some sage advice. Google "relationship verses" and see what you get. Here's one I found by doing that very thing. It's pretty good advice in my opinion.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." - Ephesians 4:2-3

Yea, that was good. Is the relationship you are in right now like that verse? Are you completely humble and gentle in your relationship? Do you put up with the other person, and all of their little quirks, in love? Do you make EVERY effort to treat your significant other the way God wants you to treat them? Have you found peace in your relationship?

All good questions.

May God bless your earthly relationships. May you love others like Christ loved us when He gave Himself up for us and took the penalty for OUR sins on Himself and died because of it. That is an AGAPE love. Sacrificial, no thought of self, totally focused on what is best for the other person. If we can do that with our relationships God will bless them.

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