Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Parable of The Old Lawmower

Broken relationships. How do they happen? Someone we once thought would be in our life . . . forever . . . suddenly, they're gone. They leave us for some unknown reason - ripping a giant hole in our heart. Was it something we said? Was it something we did? Or, was it something we didn't do . . .

It may seem painfully obvious but unanswered questions like those are the most difficult questions to find answers to. That's why they are unanswered. If we only knew what caused a valued relationship to end we could at least deal with it. Or take steps to fix it.

I was mowing the lawn Thursday night. I gassed up "old reliable" - our lawn mower for the past 30 years - and began to cut the grass. Suddenly, something wasn't sounding quite right in our "relationship". Then BANG!! Something blew a hole in the side of the engine and our long term relationship was over. Just like that.

Why did it happen? Well, as I look back on things, it was probably my abusing it in some thick brush and stumps this past summer. Our "relationship" was never meant to be tested to that extreme. I had damaged my lawnmower to accomplish something I wanted. I didn't think about the health of my lawnmower, just like we often neglect our most treasured relationships.

Relationships with others are far more valuable in God's eyes than an old lawn mower.

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35

Red letters. That's Jesus talking my friends. Commanding us to love one another. He's not ASKING us. He is COMMANDING us! Yet the divorce rate among Christians is basically same as in secular marriages. Why? Because we love ourselves MORE than we love others.

Look at the second part of verse 34. "As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

How did Jesus "love" us? Well, He died for us. Do we have that kind of love for others? Would you die to save your spouse? Your child? Your friend? Would you die to save the life of someone who doesn't like you? Think about that. Re-read the words of Jesus again.

Are you a disciple of Jesus? Do you love everybody? EVERYBODY? The opposite political party? Your ex? Islamic extremists? Do you love them?

Try this:

Have you talked with Jesus about your relationships lately? Try it. Tell Him about them all - the good, the bad and the ugly relationships in your life. Ask Jesus to help you love, even the unlovable. Keep asking. He will grant you this request because it is HIS will that you do this. Ask!

Forgiveness - Matthew West
Ask, And You Will Receive - InfuzeLight

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