Monday, November 6, 2017

Retirement? Nah!

Ever since I announced my retirement at work (March 2018) people have been asking me, "So, what are you going to do?" Wait. I have to DO something? I thought the whole idea of retirement was NOT doing things. I have a lot to learn.

So what would YOU do if you suddenly didn't have to work anymore? I guess I never really thought about it, until this week. One thing's for sure. I'm not going to get up as early as I do now. Four thirty is insane! I'll try six o'clock for a while and see how that works.

I'm looking forward to doing more stuff that I don't have the time to do now. Like clean my office and workroom downstairs. My wife will be doing cartwheels! I should probably transition slowly into the cleaning thing. Don't want to give my wife a heart attack.

I'm definitely going to read more. I'm reading through the Bible for the fifth time right now and am still learning new things each time I read. Getting to know God more is a very high priority.

But probably the thing I will enjoy doing the most is spending more time pouring into my relationships. Stopping back in at work and saying, "Surprise!" sounds like fun to me. And having breakfast with my wife! But the thing I am looking forward to the most is spending quality time in ALL of my relationships - past, present and future.

I'd like to change the "Well, I have to go nows" into "Where are you goings?" Know what I mean?

Retiring doesn't mean you're never going to do any work again. It means CHANGING the type of work you are doing. I look forward to that because for the past 12 years I have felt like I should have been doing something else. Maybe this is it!!

Most people think of retirement as not having to anything. I look at it as an opportunity to do MORE things.

I read something in the Book of Matthew last night that made me think about my retirement in a new light.

"27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works." - Matthew 16:27

When Jesus returns, what will He find us doing? Will we be watching television in our bathrobe and slippers? Will we be sleeping in until noon after a late night out on the town? No. I don't think so. Not for me.

When Jesus returns I hope he finds me deep into a conversation with some kid who is struggling. Or catching up with a friend I haven't seen in a while. Or serving down at the local food pantry.

Yes, I will no longer have to go into work each day like I have for the past 40+ years, but I will keep myself busy working for The Lord. I can't think of anything more enjoyable or rewarding than to be found in His service. :)

Working Man's Blues - Merle Haggard

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