Monday, September 15, 2014

Send Me

"8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” 9 And he said, “Go, . . ." - Isaiah 6:8-9

I love being a follower of Jesus Christ. There is nothing like seeing God in action as He calls my fellow brothers and sisters into service, and they respond selflessly. They are just like Isaiah when he answered The Lord's call when He was looking for "a volunteer." I have seen numerous people stepping up this week and shouting, "Send me!"

This past Friday I received a text from a young female friend of mine who was in need of some help and a place to stay for the night. I shot off a few texts and made a few phone calls to four amazing ladies, all children of the One True God. I explained the situation and asked if they could take an unknown young lady into their homes that night. Each one of those ladies answered God's call.

Think about that for a moment. How would you respond to a call for assistance at eight o'clock at night, asking you to open up your home to a total stranger? I would maybe do that for someone I knew . . . maybe. But these ladies said yes. Granted, these ladies knew me and perhaps trusted me, but still, they definitely stepped up.

Having compassion for others is a spiritual gift, given by God through His Holy Spirit. How God must enjoy seeing His children using the gifts He gave them to bring Him glory! What spiritual gift or gifts do YOU have? How will you be using them today to bring glory to God? Perhaps God will send someone your way this week so that you might "become Jesus" to someone in need.

There really is nothing like the feeling of being used by God to pour His love into the life of someone who needs it. I encourage you this week, and every week, to keep your eyes open to serve . . . to say "Send me!" You WILL have opportunities. Don't let those opportunities pass you by. The rewards of acting when we see a need is "heavenly" . . . literally "out of this world." Reach into someone's life today and make a difference.

The following video was presented in church this past Sunday. It shows the benefits reaped from someone selflessly serving God and others using the gifts God has given him.

Officer Deon using his gifts to serve God

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