Monday, November 13, 2017

A Good and Perfect Gift

"17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." - James 1:17

Have you ever received a "good and perfect gift"? I think we all have at some point in our lives. Even those things we don't think of as "gifts from above" really are. It just depends on how you think about them.

Let's start with the basics. Are you alive? Were you born? Everyone's answer to those two questions should be "yes", unless you are the walking dead or an inanimate object. Well, it IS Monday morning so that's possible I guess.

Christians believe that all things were created by God and that life was given to each of us by our Creator. All good and perfect gifts can be traced back to our Heavenly Father - our Creator. 

I received a gift from God last week. It didn't come in a box with wrapping paper. Nor was it delivered by an angel. It came in an envelope from a far away and distant land - Antigo, WI. It was from a friend I met at a church community outreach program several years ago. See, I told you it was a gift from God! :)

Anyway, back then, this family had just moved to the area and the mom was looking for a youth group for her kids. It was definitely a God thing that she asked me for a recommendation - a youth leader for our church's youth group at the time. This family has been a treasured part of my life ever since.

Back to the envelope I received. It was from the entire family but the handwriting was unmistakably that of the mom. It was a Thanksgiving card. Inside the card was a letter and this is what it said.

"Just a little something to say, "Thank you" for you and all you do." There was also a cash donation towards the tiny home I am building for area homeless. But this perfect gift I was given doesn't end there. That's not how God works. He multiplies His gifts of love.

God often blesses us in unseen ways, but sometimes He blesses us in a way that let's us KNOW it was He who did the blessing. And this gift from Antigo is just an example of that.

I was leaving for a meeting Saturday morning but I needed some lumber for the tiny house. I usually just use my credit card and I was going to do just that. But my wife encouraged me to take the gifted money along and use that. I reluctantly agreed. I kind of wanted to use that money for something special.

So I get to the lumber yard, my only chance to get lumber for the weekends building project and the guy behind the counter says, "Before you order, we can't accept any credit cards this morning. Something's wrong with the machine."

That's when I knew this is was all God's doing. The amount of cash I had in my pocket, all from my friends in Antigo, covered the entire bill. My weekend building plans would have been totally trashed if not for that gift from above.

How has God blessed you in YOUR life? Has He introduced you to some friends who have in turn blessed you? Have you and your family been drawn closer to God through a particular event or happening? It's all God! He is the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

Would you mind if I prayed right now? And won't you please join with me in that prayer?

Father, I thank you for the gifts you give us. They don't come with wrapping paper. They are wrapped in love. I thank you for my adopted family in Antigo. Jeanne, I love you my friend. The same goes for you too Steve, Joshua, Kahla, Cheyenne and Jessica. God, you place people in our lives for our good and Your ultimate glory. You never cease to amaze me with your gifts. They are always priceless in their nature and lasting in their duration. You are an amazing God and we love you and honor you, now and forever. Amen.

The chorus of the following song says it all. Let's sing it to God in appreciation for all He has done.

And all I want is to hold you forever
All I need is you more everyday
You saved my heart from being broken apart
You gave your love away
And I'm thankful everyday
For the gift

The Gift - Jim Brickman
Blessings - Laura Story

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