A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks our view of the sun. Today's story is about an eclipse taking place, not in our solar system, but in our hearts.
"The moon of secularism has blocked the face of God." - Dr. Erwin Lutzer
I watched a YouTube video of Kirk Cameron's show Take Aways this week. His guest was Dr. Erwin Lutzer, president emeritus of The Moody Bible Church in Chicago.
Dr. Lutzer wrote a booked entitled, The Eclipse of God. He goes on to say, "Americans don't mind saying they believe in God just as long as they get to choose the god in which they believe. Often times God becomes themselves actually, and as a result of that we are in the society where we are leaving transcendent truth behind and the implications are massive."
That is SO true.
When I was a youth leader at church I encountered many kids who SAID they believed in God, but when asked about God's specific views on same-sex relationships for example, they'd say, "Well, I don't believe THAT."
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." - James 1:17
God does NOT change to suit our desires. It is WE who must change to conform to His will. God is the light of our spiritual self. Anything that gets in the way of His light (a spiritual eclipse) is sin and obscures our view of Him.
"I am the light of the world." - Jesus, John 8:12
We will close with one last word from Dr. Lutzer . . .
"Churches often times make concessions, one compromise at a time, and they think, "Well, I can compromise here but I won't go here," but eventually the pressure is so great that they give in to the culture, they give the culture whatever the culture wants and as a result they lose their effectiveness because they've lost the Gospel."
Has your church experienced an eclipse of the truth? Have you? Read and study the Bible. We must KNOW the God we worship, not worship the god we have created for ourselves.
Take Aways - Lutzer Episode