Here's an example of how my ancient, wandering mind works. But it is also a testimony to God's faithfulness and the leading of His Holy Spirit.
It was Tuesday morning when I wrote this. I know it was Tuesday because I was looking forward to visiting my friends. I always do that on Tuesdays.
Scrolling through YouTube in the pre-dawn living room, I came upon a video regarding Psalm 23. It promised insight to its true meaning. Okay . . .
You know the text . . .
"The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my soul." - Psalm 23:1-3
Then comes this . . .
"He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." - Psalm 23:3
In the video I watched (link at bottom) the featured speaker, a rabbi, was talking about the Hebrew meaning of the word "paths" that we English have translated as such. It's real meaning is "a circuitous path" of righteousness.
Circuitous? You mean like Israel walking through the desert for forty years? I always thought paths of righteousness were straight.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; ⁶in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6
So, I scrolled some more, searching for other things that might be getting lost in translation. That's when I saw a movie clip for a movie by that very name. I watched it. Maybe you've seen the movie before. I have not.
The clip was from the end of the movie when the lead couple were saying goodbye to each other. The young woman (Scarlett Johansson) was parting ways with an older man (Bill Murray).
The woman reminded me of my friend Kortney, who just had a heart and double lung transplant.
Their goodbye in the movie made me think of how fragile and fleeting my friend's health is. It is still quite possible that she might not make it through the entire transplant process. She currently has fluid building up on her lungs and is having that removed this week sometime.
So, I sent my friend an encouraging text this morning (Tuesday) and told her that I love her and am praying for her. That's when I realized something . . .
I had just been led on a "circuitous path for His name's sake." Interesting. Wherever my shepherd leads, I will follow.
[Update: I got a text back from my friend Tuesday afternoon. It turned out that THAT was the day they were going to remove the fluid on her lungs. My text (God's encouragement for her?) had arrived shortly before her procedure began. A portion of her text is as follows . . .
"Thank you so much! That was so uplifting this morning! 🥰 "]
God placed me on a circuitous path for His glory alright. They drained an entire liter from around her lungs.
When we are led by the Holy Spirit, our job is to follow, no matter how circuitous the path becomes. Praise His glorious name!