
Monday, February 24, 2025

High Places

Have you ever unintentionally broken the law? Maybe you've looked down at your speedometer and discovered you were driving JUST a few miles over the speed limit? Or burned a pile of brush when you didn't know there was a burning ban that day? 🤔 Well.... I sure have.

Let me tell you about Josiah, King of Judah. He discovered that HE was breaking the law - God's Law. Uh-oh. 😯

One of Josiah's buds, Hilkiah the high priest, found The Book of The Law, abandoned in the Temple of The Lord. Again, uh-oh. This was the law that God had dictated to Moses back in the day.

After Josiah read The Book of The law, he said this:

“Go and inquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the Lord’s anger that burns against us because those who have gone before us have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us.” - 2 Kings 22:13

Kind of like the world we live in today . . .

So, what did Josiah do? Amongst other things, he removed all of the "high places" and "asherah poles" and burned them outside of the city. What is a high place? This is from

High places, very simply, were places of worship on elevated pieces of ground. High places were originally dedicated to idol worship (Numbers 33:52; Leviticus 26:30), especially among the Moabites (Isaiah 16:12). These shrines often included an altar and a sacred object such as a stone pillar or wooden pole in various shapes identified with the object of worship (animals, constellations, goddesses, and fertility deities).

And what did God think of these high places? Places where the people worshipped gods that THEY THEMSELVES had made?

"I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you." - Leviticus 26:30

Well, okay then. That raises a question of two.

Do WE have things that WE worship rather than God? What, or who, do we put up on a pedestal (a high place)? These are high places of our own making. God must be #1 in our lives. Not family, or friends, or work . . . or the Packers. And definitely not the Chiefs.

Worship God, and God alone. This isn't about going to churchand saying all of the "Christian" catch phrases. We must allow God to change to change our hearts. We must reject all of our high places and follow HIS ways, not our own.

High Places -

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