
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Take Me Back

A few weeks ago I was working on a jigsaw puzzle in our sunroom. My wife was gone for the day so I was able to crank some tunes and unabashedly sing along. I got out the old iPod and rediscovered some of the worship songs from my spiritual youth. Let me tell you, those songs were, and are, absolutely wonderful!

The memories of those early years of my faith were brought to life by the music. It was a wonderful time with many precious memories. I learned SO much. I made new friends, I was a youth leader at church, I went on mission trips, and to Christian music events.

That brought a question to mind. Why don't I listen to my music anymore? What happened that it is no longer an active part of my life? Hmm.

Well, I no longer work for one thing. I used to listen to "my music" on my way to and from work - 45 minutes there, and 45 minutes on the way home. I just don't do that anymore.

Another reason I no longer listen to my music is that the CD player in my car didn't work. But guess what, I got a new car a few weeks ago, and the new car's CD player works just fine. So now, when I go to visit my friends where I used to work, I once again crank the tunes. Woo Hoo!

The Bible says that we are supposed to "worship in spirit and in truth." I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but, when my worship is paired with music, it seems to come from a deeper place inside of me. Maybe that's why people wrote and sang hymns.

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” - John 4:24

One thing I know for sure is that I love worship music. And I think God does too.

It doesn't really matter HOW we worship just as long as we get the WHO we worship part right.

Here's a song for you to listen to. It was released only a few days ago.

"Take me back, closer to your fire,
I want to feel that Light again.
Give me grace, make it my desire,
Shake my world apart.
Remind me...."

The Power of a Tender Heart - Sidewalk Prophets

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