Saturday, August 29, 2015

He's Waiting For You

We never seem to know when it is that God will surprise us. Just when we think we have Him just about figured out, He does something totally unexpected. Like this week. This week I thought I heard God talking to me. That surprised me. He didn't sound ANYTHING like Charlton Heston either. More like an 80-year old woman. Let me explain.

My friend and I had just finished praying at work and I had decided to go for a walk, reading the Bible as I went down the path behind our office. I was all jacked up from my prayers because I had laid my frustrations with myself at God's feet. I was sick of my procrastination in a few areas - letters I should write but wasn't getting around to . . . a building project I was having trouble getting off the ground. I, quite often, am my own worst enemy with these things.

As I began to read, I looked up and noticed someone walking towards me far away in the distance. That's when I did something I had never done before. I began praying for them while also praying that God might provide an opportunity for me to talk with them.

The text I was reading that morning was from 1 Samuel, about how Samuel's sons didn't really do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. "That's me," I thought to myself. I didn't really want to be that person, but I was. I am.

The person walking towards me was closer now. I could tell it was an older woman. Older than even I am! She was walking her dog. I had seen her on the trail before with some of her lady friends and their dogs. I kept praying.

We met at a place when the trail crosses a busy road. We both were waiting to cross. Finally an opening appeared and I ran across. When I got to the other side, the lady, her name was Judy as I was soon to discover, said something that got my attention. She delivered a message from God. At least it seemed to me that it came from Him. She said . . .

"I think He's waiting for YOU."

Those were the first words out of her mouth. I thought to myself, "What? He's waiting for me? Oh, now I get it. And God is waiting for me alright. Waiting for me to get off my butt and start being Jesus to the people of this world! "Those words really penetrated. This lady's words were like an answer to prayer. Like they came right from God!

"I think he was waiting for you," the lady repeated. "My dog. He was waiting for you."


The lady and her dog turned and walked with me for a bit. I shared my testimony with her that morning and she shared hers. I eventually turned around and headed back to the office. She kept on walking . . . somewhere. And as soon as I turned around I looked up to heaven and praised God for giving me an opportunity to speak about Him to someone.

That morning God encouraged me to get going in my witnessing and also in my efforts to help others. I feel rejuvenated with a new sense of purpose. I had been praying about how I had been compromising my ideas and procrastinating in my dreams and goals.

"Time to get to work," I said as I walked into the office. More about what happened next in a future installment of this blog. But let me just tell you this. There is nothing quite like serving the Lord. The rewards are "out of this world!"

"22 And Samuel said,

“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
    as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
    and to listen than the fat of rams.”
- 1 Samuel 15:22

What Are You Waiting For? - Nickleback

This is the gospel: The Gospel

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