Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Bigger Threat

I was out working in the garage the other day when I noticed a dark, shadowy shape in the corner behind some boards. "What could it be?" I wondered. So I leaned in closer to take a look and . . .

It was a snake! In our garage!! What the heck was that thing doing in there? How did it get in? How was I going to get it out? All good questions. But let's take a look at the Biblical lesson to be learned here.

As you probably know, a snake or serpent, is indicative of Satan and therefore sin. Let's take a look at my questions about Mister Snake and translate them into a sin context.

What is sin doing in my life? How did sin become a part of my life? And how can I get rid of sin in my life? Again, all good questions. Digging deeper, did God, who created everything, create sin?

Sin has been a part of every humans life since just about day one. Eve, Serpent, Apple, Sin. But did God create sin? No. But God did create the OPPORTUNITY to sin. We chose to sin. God tests us but He will never tempt us. Does that make sense?

How did sin get into our lives? That's easy. I just explained most of it. We were tempted to sin by Satan. Why? Because Satan wanted God's job and when he couldn't get it he rebelled against God. Sinning is a choice. OUR choice.

"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” - Genesis 3:1

So, if we always have sin in our lives, how do we get it out? The answer is, we can't. None of us has led a sinless life. But Jesus has. And Jesus is the key. When Jesus died on the cross He did so as a punishment for OUR sins. By doing so, Jesus paid our debt. He paid the cost for our sins. In doing do we basically became sinless in God's eyes because our debt had been paid.

So, how did I get the snake out of the garage? I picked up a long-handled tool and removed him. If life, our instrument for defense against Satan is God's Word. The Bible describes it as "a double-edged sword." Perfect for slaying a serpent.

Did God Create Sin? -

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