Saturday, February 1, 2020


Have you ever won anything? It's kind of a weird feeling - being given something you didn't actually earn.

I was scrolling down through the ol' Facebook news feed the other day when I came across a picture of this beautiful blue golf disc. Purtty!!

The post said that all I had to do to have a chance of winning the disc was to say what color was by favorite. Seemed easy enough so I typed in "blue". Well, out of 318 comments, mine was somehow chosen. And that's really weird because I had been praying about something disc golf related all week and then . . . Boom! This gift drops in my lap. A sign?

You know what this gift reminds me of? The Gospel of salvation through our faith in Jesus.

Our salvation is a free gift from God. It's called grace. It's not earned, it is given. All we have to do is repent of our sins and call on the name of The Lord. That's it! Pretty easy.

"For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13

But the gift I received did come with a price. Someone bought the disc and then customized it. Made it more beautiful. That's what Jesus did. He paid the price for OUR sins by His shed blood on the cross. He "customized" us when we came to believe. We are different now with our belief compared to before without it.

Do you see the words "First Run"? It means that there were never any like it before. This disc is the first of its kind. There has never been anyone like Jesus before either. Fully God, fully many, born to die, a holy sacrifice, given once for all.

And look at the crown! What could that be a sign of? Oh, I don't know. Maybe Jesus, our King?

"On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords." - Revelation 19:6

Do you see that pattern in the background on the disc - kind of a sunburst, like the sun shining through some clouds? That's actually the name of the disc. Its official title is a Burst First Run Hyzer Dyes Maverick. A light shining through the storms in our lives? That's Jesus! He IS The Light!

I know I'm probably reading too much into all this but I am seeing this gift as a kind of answer to my prayers about how I should proceed in a new venture I am considering.

Will I ever throw this special gift? Probably. That's what these things were made to do. But I know this. I will treasure this free gift fir sure . . . and we all should do the same with our free gift of salvation.

Eagles Wings Disc Golf
Hyzer Dyes Facebook Page

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