Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Parable of The Midwives

Today's story is about obedience and doing what is right in the eyes of God. Our text for today is from the first chapter of Exodus. The story of Moses. Pre-Moses actually.

The king of Egypt was trying to curb the population boom of his Hebrew slaves, fearing an uprising by their ever-increasing numbers.

"Then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16“When you help the Hebrew women give birth, observe them on the birthstools. If the child is a son, kill him; but if it is a daughter, let her live.” - Exodus 1:15-16

What were the midwives to do? Should they obey the king? If they did they would have innocent blood on their hands in the eyes of God. What did they decided to do?

"The midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had instructed; they let the boys live." - Exodus 1:17

That's an incredibly bold thing those midwives did! Disobeying the king is usually followed by a swiftly applied sword. But look what they did. They feared God more than the king of Egypt. They feared God more than death.

What would WE do if we are ever faced with choices like theirs? Well, the first thing we need to find our is "What does God want us to do?" And how do we find out what THAT is? Read the Bible.

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . ." - Proverbs 6:16-17

There it is! The midwives KNEW that God hated what the king had commanded them to do. Even before King Solomon did!

God-honoring decisions go beyond just the present-day abortion issue. What about medical decisions regarding end-of-life care? Lying is another thing that God hates. Have any of us lied lately? Hmm.

If we all obeyed God with our daily decisions, what would our world look like? No murder, no sexual sin, no lying or cheating, we would love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. And we would all love God. We would take care of the widow and the orphan. We would give to one another as there was a need.

That sounds like a better life than the one we're all living right now, doesn't it?

And what about those midwives? Whatever happened to them? Did anyone ever thank them for the many lives they saved? Including the life of Moses?

"So God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied and became even more numerous. 21And because the midwives feared God, He gave them families of their own." - Exodus 1:20-21


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