Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Humble Servant


Yesterday was an interesting day. I didn't realize that I had signed up for a life lesson in humility but that's what I received. And I am grateful for receiving it.

My wife and I drove down to Milwaukee yesterday to visit her father. He is nearing the end of his life and is in hospice.

He woke up and looked at us both as we arrived but then returned to sleeping. Then a CNA came in with his lunch and my humility lesson got underway.

This woman caringly fed my father-in-law while at the same time reassuring my wife about how well he was doing during this transition time. A spoon full of chicken casserole, a spoon full of water, a wiping of the lips. How gentle she was. How caring.

My wife left the room to fill the bird feeder outside his window, not that he would ever see it, but the birds would appreciate the effort. I took the opportunity to pray for my father-in-law. And upon my wife's return, I read him the Christmas story from Luke 2. That was all good.

As we drove back home, we remarked how wonderful the CNA was to my wife's father. Even commenting that she was an angel. We didn't even catch her name.

Arriving in Appleton, we stopped at a store so my wife could pick up a book she ordered. Pulling into the store's driveway we noticed a man seated on the sidewalk and leaning up against the building. He had just fallen on the slippery sidewalk and was waiting for help to arrive.

Perhaps inspired by the CNA we had witnessed earlier in the day, I went over to the stranger and asked if I could pray for him. He said 'yes' and so I did. When I opened my eyes the EMT crew was there. I backed away and left them to their work.

It was a good day.

Am I always open to, and observant of, opportunities to pray for someone or to serve someone? It was nine degrees that day. Would I have so easily offered prayer on a "normal" day, without the example of the caring CNA to follow?

It seems to me that we should ALWAYS be prepared to serve and to pray for those who are in need. Jesus is our example. Shouldn't we be following His example if we are "followers" of Christ? Are we followers only on SOME days when we feel like it?

"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave - 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Matthew 20:26-28

This is the season for miracles. We must keep our eyes open for opportunities to love and to serve, in humility and with compassion. We must reflect God's love for us by loving others. That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

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