Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Tell Tail Heart

Yesterday I almost ran over my story for today. A black squirrel jumped out in front of my car but then changed its mind and ran back the way it had come. Smart.

The squirrel had no tail. It was obvious that this little guy had learned a rather painful lesson earlier in its life. 

It is said that pain is a great teacher. That's true. If you've been hurt in relationships enough times for example, you can get a little gun-shy when the next potential "someone " comes along.

Perhaps my little squirrel friend experienced some Deja vu as he ran out onto the road. Something told him, perhaps, that this situation was not going to end well for him, and he bolted.

Have you ever repeated the same mistake over and over again? I do that every day. It's called sin. So, why do we keep on sinning? The simple answer is, It's in our nature. Perhaps that's why we humans have no tails. Lol!

So, why don't we turn around and run when it happens a second time? And a third time? Like I said, it's in our nature. The bible says it this way:

"Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” - 2 Peter 2:22

What made the squirrel hesitate when attempting to cross the road? Memory of a bad experience? What makes us stop and think when we are about to sin. To be honest, sometimes nothing stops us. But what should be stopping us is God's Holy Spirit.

It's not like the Holy Spirit isn't doing His job. It's more like we aren't listening to His warnings. SO, why aren't we listening?

Good question!!

We need to be more attentive to living in God's will. The Bible tells us what we should be doing in just about every imaginable situation. We need to spend some serious time in learning how to APPLY God's Word to our lives.

To continue with the squirrel analogy, it's almost like we used to have tails but kept getting run over so many times we have nothing left. Perhaps we should all look both ways before crossing The Lord. We'd be better off for it.

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." - Hosea 4:6

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