Monday, December 5, 2022

The Parable of The Pine

We had some pretty strong winds blow through here last week. I didn't expect they'd be bringing a life lesson along with them but they did.

My wife and I built our house in a pine plantation 40+years ago. The trees on our lot were much smaller then. Today most of them stand 70-80 feet tall. And boy, do they dance when the wind picks up.

We can learn a few things from pine trees. They provide valuable lessons for anyone trying to survive in the world we live in today.

First, there's safety in numbers. A clump of pines can survive a storm because are together, supporting one another. A tall, single-standing pine doesn't last long in a storm.

Another thing about pines, especially red pines like the ones we live in, is that most of their 'life,' all the green branches, are at the top of the tree. The lowest braches are either dead or dying. That's because only the branches that are in the sun thrive and survive.

All trees grow upwards, towards the sun. No tree seeks out the darkness. That's because darkness kills. Light is life.

You and I are just like those trees in many ways. Trying to go it alone in this world is tough. Family and friends provide support for us. Your local church is a great place for support and encouragement for those who are struggling.

And consider the branches. That's us! Only those who are in The Light, in The Son, can receive salvation and eternal life. The rest just die and fall off. We are to grow upwardly and thereby be closer to God and The Son.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

One more thing about trees in general. They exist to grow. They grow by being fed, watered and by being in the sun. We are the same.

We exist to glorify God and grow spiritually in our faith. We grow by being fed the Word of God, by drinking in the life-giving water of Jesus Christ and drawing closer to Him.

God wishes that none would perish but some will unwittingly choose to do so. Stand strong. Stand together. And be that light in this world as He is the light in ours.

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." - 1 John 1:7

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