Monday, May 8, 2023

The Devoted Bride

Many things crossed my mind as I was being transported from one hospital to another last week. I had suffered a heart attack,  or so I was told, and the local ER doctor wanted me to see a cardiologist. So, off we went!

I never thought about it before but when you ride in an ambulance you end up looking out the rear window. The entire way. As I did so, I had lots of time to think about things from the past. How fitting to be actually physically looking backwards as I did so.

It was raining outside but I could still see the headlights of my wife's car glowing through the mist kicked up by the ambulance. She, my loving wife and devoted bride, is my story for today.

I had woken her up out of a sound sleep the night before to tell her that I was having chest pains. I hated doing that because I knew how much she loves me and I knew she would immediately be worried.

At the hospital my wife stood by my side, holding my hand, adjusting my blanket, answering questions. And there was no doubt that she was praying for me. My wife was very focused on my wellbeing.

Later, after we were home, I told her how much I appreciated her attention, even though I was kind of busy doing other things at the time. Her love and devotion were VERY evident.

Then I wondered. Would I do the same for her? Well, of course I would! She's my bride, my other half.

Then something else crossed my mind as I traveled along...backwards that day.

Am I that devoted to God? Am I always willing to sacrifice myself for Him? The answer has to be more than 'I hope so." The answer must be 'absolutely.'

We, the church, are the bride of Christ. Are we devoted to our bridegroom, Jesus?

So, my prayer, as I watched my wife's example of devotion, was just that. And let it be our prayer today - that we would all be more devoted to our spouses, yes. But that we would also be more devoted to our God.

Let us follow Him wherever He leads us. No matter what the cost. No matter what pain might be involved. If our focus is on God, we can overcome any obstacle in our path. Even death.

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." - Romans 12: 9-12



  1. we will be saying a prayer for you and your wife. Harlan and i have been arrived for 52 years and would like to go together So we’re hoping the rapture happens soon .

    1. Thank you for your comment. Those of us who have been blessed with long marriages are reaping the blessings of God's design for the family. Congratulations on your 52 years together. My wife and I are at 46 years. And regarding the rapture, wouldn't it be nice if it happened on a Sunday morning after the last worhsip song of the day. Blessing to you and yours.
