Saturday, August 19, 2023

Empty Arms

When someone we love is suffering it can be one of the most empty feelings we will ever experience. It's incredibly draining. It's like wanting to give someone a hug but our arms are sadly empty.

There is a strong desire in the heart of the Christian to 'ease their pain'. Our only problem is that we ourselves don't have the power to do so. And that is why we pray. Because God DOES have that power.

Is there someone in your life who is suffering or in pain? Do you feel helpless? You're not alone. James had some good advice for us in God's Word.

"Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray." - James 5:13

He then goes on to deliver this promise a few verses later:

"And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up." - James 5:15

The Prayer of Faith. What is that? Isn't ALL prayer a 'prayer of faith?'

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." - James 5:16

Where do I get "effectual fervent prayer?" And if my prayers don't get answered, does that mean that I am not righteous?

The thing we need to remember about prayer is that prayer is a request, not a command. If our prayer is pleasing to God, and if it is within His will, then the prayer request will be more likely to get God's attention.

But if what we desire in prayer is NOT granted, then we also need to be accepting of that result as well. Whether we like it or not.

I have a young friend who is suffering right now. I have prayed for her these past few days. Constantly, it seems. What if God doesn't heal her?

That's the wrong question to be asking. Here's the REAL question.

How will God be glorified in whatever happens to my friend? Well, my prayer has become continual and deeply personal. That brings glory to God. He has heard my prayer, and will continue to hear them.

But God's healing of my friend is up to Him. And to her. Perhaps she has been made to suffer because of her refusal to fully, and finally, trust God. And if she does that, won't we all be singing God's praises?

Will my pain and prayers for my friend be worth it if she finally trusts God? Absolutely! And isn't her finally placing her faith and hope in Jesus worth far more in God's eyes than any physical healing?

To God be the glory!

To God Be The Glory - Northern Baptist Association

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