Monday, September 11, 2023

4D Chess Anyone?

Chess is difficult enough to begin with but add a third dimension to the game and, well, you'd have to be a Vulcan to understand it. But what if there was even a 4th dimension?

There are a lot of things happening in our world right now. We've had fires in Maui and Canada, numerous hurricanes (we're half way through the alphabet), and there are wars (Ukraine) and rumors of wars (Israel). There was even an eartquake in Morocco the other day (2100+ dead). The economy is struggling and there is talk of another pandemic (It must be getting close to election season).

If all of these things happening around the globe were chess pieces, this would be one, big, crazy game of 3-dimensional chess.

I mentioned a 4th dimension - it's a spiritual dimension. Game pieces are being moved but we can't see who's moving them. Demons versus angels, and they're battling behind the scenes, but their 'chess moves' are only the beginning. Wait until the BIG pieces start to move!

“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book." - Daniel 12:1

The only way to win at any spiritual chess game is to have a substitute play for you. You need an expert in overcoming ever move the enemy make. Our substitute is named Jesus. Let Him make all of the moved in your life. You'll be a winner in no time!

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