Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Four Words

The Christian faith can seem rather complex if we look at the number of pages in the Bible. The Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew translations of millenia-old texts can be daunting. People have studied it for their entire lives and will tell you that they can only grasp a fraction of its meaning. Yet, it can be summed up in just four little words.

This is the season that the whole world celebrates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Talk about something hard to understand. The Jewish religious leaders of Jesus' day were looking for a mighty king who could lead them in victory over the oppressive Roman Empire. They weren't expecting a baby to lead them.

Yet, today, the Roman Empire is long gone and Christianity remains. It seems as if Jesus was right. He sits at the right hand of God the Father this very day.

Our faith in Jesus is the key to our being with Him in heaven one day. And although the Bible tells us to "believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31),  belief must be accompanied by repentance and surrender or it is useless.

The following Christmas song contains a powerful chorus and is the source of the title for this story - four words. Those four words are an instruction to us and the key to unlocking heaven's door. Those words are . . .

Fall . . .

On . . .

Your . . .


Listen to this song and see if you don't get chills hearing those four little words in a most powerful way.

O, Holy Night - Lindsey Stirling

[Note: Lindsey Stirling is a Mormon. Mormons do not believe in the same Jesus that Christians do. To learn more about Mormon beliefs click here]

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