Monday, June 24, 2024

It's A God Thing

You'll have to pardon me if you hear me laughing at our pitiful country, but I can't help it. It didn't used to be this way. This once was a great country. Powerful, respected, God-fearing. But that's all gone now.

The latest example of our ineptness is the war in Gaza. The United States was always Israel's best ally. The operative word there is WAS.

When the massacre on October 7th happened we were one of the first to speak out against it. 1200 people were killed. But it's an election year, and when Israel struck back at Hamas, suddenly things changed. It became "the poor Palestinians" rather than "the evil Hamas terrorists."

And just as suddenly the United States started meddling in Israeli affairs - withholding aid and weapons in favor of ceasefire talks and aid for the poor, starving Palestinians.

We authorized spending $320 million dollars on a floating pier (pictured above). It was an exercise in futility.

May 25 - aid pier damaged by storm
June 8 - aid pier fixed, making deliveries
June 18 - Columbia University says no famine in Gaza
June 24 - pier broken again, 4 U.S. vessels washed ashore

80% of any aid that actually make it into Gaza went straight to Hamas, Israel's enemy. The rest was sold on the black market to the highest bidder.

Did you catch that event on June 18th above? Columbia University, where they had all of those protests against Israel, published the results of a study they did which said there was no evidence of any famine in Gaza. Somebody's lying and I think it's our government.

One thing wr need to remember in all this - Israel is God's chosen people. God will remember them and rescue them. Remember this verse?

"Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.” - Numbers 24:9

Which brings me to the title of this story - it's a God thing. Why do you think the pier in Gaza has been wrecked twice by storms and ships have been washed ashore?

Most people would describe those occurances as "an act of God." And I would say, "Now you're getting the picture."

Do you believe that God is all-powerful? He parted the Red Sea to save His people. It seems like a small thing to stir up the wind and destroy the plans of someone bringing aid and comfort to the enemy.

We need to remember that the stage is being set for the Ezekiel 38 war. Chess pieces are moving. And it's all according to God's plan.

"After many years I will order him to invade a country where the people were brought back together from many nations (Israel) and have lived without fear of war. He will invade the mountains of Israel, which were desolate and deserted so long, but where all the people now live in safety. He and his army and the many nations with him will attack like a storm and cover the land like a cloud.” - Ezekiel 38:8-9

How amazing it is to be alive at this time - to see Bible prophesy fulfilled right before our eyes. We are blessed indeed!

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD." "Hosanna in the highest heaven!" - Psalm 118:26, Matthew 21:9

Gaza Pier Breaks Apart - AP (May 30th)
Non-Existent Famine - Columbia University (June 18th)

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