Monday, October 7, 2024


Boy, it was cold in the house this morning! I checked my weather app - 37 bloody degrees! Yikes!! Winter is approaching. The cold air is just a sign of the times.

Here's another sign that winter is approaching. Chippies! They are running everywhere - digging up holes in our yard, searching for food that they can store up for the cold months ahead when their food will be scarce.

They also like to sit on our wood pile and "chip" at anything that moves - a shadow, the neighborhood cat, my wife, etc. They're just trying to warn other chipmunks of impending danger. Nothing wrong with that.

Speaking of impending danger, we have an election coming up. Each of the two candidates says the other is dangerous. Regardless, one of the two will win and we are stuck with them for four years. That's true.

I saw a video this week that listed the top ten Dollar Store things you should have on hand should things go bad. Here they are, just in case your candidate loses.
  1. Matches / lighters
  2. Candles
  3. Band aides
  4. Water
  5. Chlorox disinfectant 
  6. Ramen noodles
  7. Batteries
  8. Ibuprofen 
  9. Flushable moist wipes
  10. Tooth paste / brush combo 
  11. Ziploc bags
I guess that's 11. Somebody can't count and it's probably me. Those are good items to have but the Bible has a better list, and it's short. One item, and His name is Jesus.

When times get tough, Jesus is the one thing you NEED to have. Why? Well, He doesn't take up any storage space, He's free, and with Jesus in your heart, you can live forever!

The Bible says that things will get bad before Jesus returns. It looks like that's happening right now. Don't get caught without your name in the Book of Life when He returns. That would be extremely bad.

"Anyone whose name is not found written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire." - Revelation 20:15

You do NOT want to go there!

Heed the example of the chipmunk. Store up Jesus in your heart while you still can. If Jesus is Lord of your life, you WILL be saved. If He is not, well, you read the verse.

Here's better verse:

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9

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