Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Hurt People

We all have been hurt at somepoint on our lives. Why do people do that? We love these people and suddenly we find them hurting us. Why?

My wife and I went to a Sidewalk Prophets concert a few weeks ago. They were debuting one of their new songs - "Hurt People." The song implies that people who have been hurt in their lives are the ones who in turn hurt others.

Hurt people hurt people,
Broken hearts break hearts

If true, that's something we need to remember the next time someone breaks OUR hearts or hurts US in some way.

Lashing out at someone in response to their lashing out at us is no way to act for the Christian. Yet there is still a strong desire to lash out, indicating that we ourselves are far from perfect. So, what do we do?

"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:44-45

That's Jesus speaking. He's telling us to love and to pray. It's that simple.

And just to drive Jesus' words home, that Sidewalk Prophets song ends with this line:

But love will heal our hearts.

It really is that simple. Love others enough to take them to God in prayer.

Here's an idea. Let us take the first line of the song and change it up a bit.

Loved people love people.

God loves you and God loves your enemies too, wishing that none would perish. So, what are we waiting for?

Love! Pray! Repeat!

Hurt People - Sidewalk Prophets 

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