Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sacrificial Love

When we see it, it's usually not all that visible. That's because, whoever has it often times keeps it hidden from view. It is an act of love - a quiet love - and it's a joy to see.

Last night my wife and I met with a young couple in St. Louis. Five years ago, maybe, I met the guy, DJ, at a Christian music festival in Wisconsin. We became fast friends. Little did I know DJ was one of the artists performing there.

Anyway, I contacted DJ and told him my wife and I would be passing through town. We decided to meet. We tried once around supper time and missed but that's when the sacrificial love began to appear.

My friend said he and his wife would drive all the way out to our hotel. They did and we ended up chatting the evening away. The sacrifice was double on their part as DJ's wife had just finished work on a Friday night and came with her husband to meet two people she didn't even know.

My wife displayed similar sacrifice. We both had a long day and she was tired. Yet she came down to meet my friend and how wife.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." - John 15:13

When my wife and I went downstairs to meet them, the first thing we did was to hug each other. We hugged when they left and we prayed together. What a wonderful evening!

Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. It would have been easier for Him to let us all die. We deserved it because we're guilty. But His sacrifice allowed us a way to escape death - the second death - and for that we are eternally grateful.

I am grateful for our young friends who ventured out on a Friday night just to see us. What a day, a glorious day, it has been.

The following song was written and performed by my friend DJ.

Fire - Dee Swan

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