Monday, October 29, 2018

The Next Step

I love dark, gloomy, rainy days. Days when nothing seems to be going right. Why? Because something is about to happen. Something good.

Think about it. Why are there clichés like "It's always darkest before the dawn" or "Behind every cloud is a silver lining?" Most cliché's like those have some element of truth to them. That's why they are clichés.

The thing I like most about gloomy depressing days is, I seem to draw closer to God during those times. Because I am less sure of myself I am more apt to pick up my Bible. I am more likely to contact a friend who I know will help me cheer up.

That's where Jesus comes in. I have found no better friend. He's always there. He knows what I need before I do. He directs my life by placing people in it for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And, yes, He IS that good.

God doesn't sugar coat the truth so I feel good about myself. He shoves the truth right in my face and says, "Deal with it." And if there is some short term pain, so be it. The pain is always accompanied by a long term gain.

I have reached out to a lot of people over the past 12 years, in the name of Christ. I love them, I try to tell them what they need to hear - the truth. Sometimes they walk away for a while. Sometimes for good. But my job is not to make them feel good. My job is to make them think. I do that by asking questions.

"What got you to this point in your life?"

"What was the decision you made when your life took a turn for the worse?"

"What's your next step?"

For many, the best next step they can take is Jesus. Either turning to Him or RE-turning to Him. That's always a good place to start.

Here's another good question. "Doing things your way has gotten you to the point where you are right now. What would you think about trying life God's way?"

Never pass up the opportunity to love someone or to encourage someone. You may be the one person who God has placed in their lives for that specific reason. Don't get the end of the day and say. "I wish I would have . . ."

Put God first.

Put God First - Denzel Washington

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