Saturday, April 27, 2019

Hope Found In Death

This has been a weird week. If I was to pick a word to describe the week it would have to be “death” - either “death” or “hope.” One or the other. Like I said, it was a weird week. Maybe “weird” should be my word of the week. Instead I choose "hope."

Last weekend was Easter, or Resurrection Sunday if you prefer. It revolved around the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death followed by hope. The day before Easter was a young friend’s funeral. More death. But where is the hope in death alone? What hope can be found in the death of someone? Well, it all depends on how you deal with it. And where you place your hope.

We can just accept someone’s death and go on feeling sad about it or we can actually do something about it. We can deal with a death in a positive way, rather than a negative one.

On my way back from visiting my friends in Minnesota I had lots of time to think. And I came up with a plan. Well, that’s not quite true. I prayed and my mind just kind of filled with ideas – positive things to do to remember my friend who had died.

Today I participated in a suicide prevention walk. Most people there were remembering someone who had taken his or her own life. So where is the hope to be found in suicide? I think it is found in groups like the Waupaca County Suicide Prevention Coalition. It is also found in Christ.

The hope of the resurrection is huge! The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is a source of incredible hope! And His promise that we too shall live after our earthly death provides us with that much needed hope.

Having that hope, that confidence, that we will see our loved ones again is massive in its ability to cope. Coping with ANY death, without Christ, is much more difficult. Why? Because there is no hope apart from Christ.

"12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ." - Ephesians 2:12-13
In Christ Alone - Owl City

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