Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Parable of The Burning Cross

This is a picture of the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. At least this is how it used to look. Before The Fire. The roof is gone now. Burned for the whole world and for God to see. But what did He see?

If you were to look straight down at the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral the first thing you would notice is that it is in the shape of a cross. Most big cathedrals are shaped that way. Intentionally.

Here's a question. What would God have seen if He looked down at His house in Paris during the fire. He would have seen a burning cross. Think about that image for a minute.

And what is left of God's Church in Paris today? A shell. The fire consumed everything on the inside of the church. And here's the wake up call. We were watching with great sadness on the news what has actually been happening to The Church for years.

Did you see the Pope's Tweet yesterday? Here it is.

"Today we unite in prayer with the people of France, as we wait for the sorrow inflicted by the serious damage to be transformed into hope with reconstruction. Holy Mary, Our Lady, pray for us. #NotreDame"

That's actually of the problem with God's Church right there. What are we doing praying to someone other than God? Doesn't that contradict the first commandment? I am The Lord, thy God. Thou shall have no other God's before me.

From what I read in the Bible we are to pray to God The Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.

More and more these days The Church s opening itself up to "the world" and allowing pagan practices into its very heart. Many churches have allowed homosexual members and pastors despite God telling us that homosexuality is an abomination in His eyes.

The Catholic church is trying to rid itself of a slew of lawsuits against priests molesting young boys. Hundreds of priests! This too is an abomination. It is "The World" invading God's church.

And it's not just the Catholic church. Many churches follow this "earthly" pattern. Globalism, Climate Change, and the beginnings of a one-world church are all present in today's church.

4“Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods. 5Rather, you must seek the LORD your God at the place of worship he himself will choose from among all the tribes - the place where his name will be honored." - Deuteronomy 12:4-5

Satan loves to torment God. He is infiltrating the very people and places that God holds dear. God calls us to be holy - to be "set apart", which is what "holy" means. We should look different than "the world" . . . but we don't.

The Apostle Paul writes this:

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:1-2

As the flames burned high into the night sky over Paris I wondered, was someone yelling "Burn! Burn!"?? And if so, what it Satan? Or was it God?

God's church, the holy ones who are to be "not of this world", must be different from the world. It is God's command! Shall we then not obey it? God is a patient and merciful God, but He is also not tolerant and He WILL pour out His wrath one day. Will we be recipients of that wrath? Or will we be exempt from it? That is up to us.

The Doctrine of The Wrath of God - Desiring God

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