Monday, December 30, 2019

Something's Changed

I saw a meme on Facebook last week that got me thinking. It spoke about how life has changed since 1968, specifically addressing gun violence and mass shootings by asking the question: "What has changed since then?" Why are there more mass shootings today than in 1968. What HAS changed?

Back in 1968 I was a freshman in high school, our country was waist-deep in the Vietnam war, but life in general was good. It was safe. There were no mass shootings, The Beatles topped the music charts with Hey Jude, and I was more worried about "being cool" than I was about passing math class. So what has changed in our society since 1968? Here's a partial list:

Prayer removed from schools 1962
Bobby Kennedy shot 1968
Marin Luther King shot 1968
Women's Lib Movement late 60's
Woodstock 1969
Roe v Wade 1973
Jesus Christ Superstar 1973
Vietnam War ends 1975

As gun law restricting gun ownership increase, so do the mass shootings. Clearly, gun ownership is not the problem. I believe it is our government increasingly taking God out of everything. They're even talking God's Word out of the pulpit, calling it hate speech. Sad.

Some people will think this is a "political piece" - a story about gun rights rather than about God. They will be wrong. The gun battle is just that, a battle in a larger war. The war is taking place in our hearts.

Yesterday there was another Potential mass shooting taking place . . . in a church!! However, recently passed laws enabled members of the congregation to carry guns. And it was a good thing they did. But the shooting quite possibly never even occurred had the shooter known Jesus.

There will always be crazy people in the world. Like Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you." There will always be Herods, Stalins, Hitlers, etc. but a good home with God-fearing parents in it is the best way to combat violence.

"Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways." - Genesis 6:11-12

Jesus will return one day. Most think that day is coming soon. I hope so. Once He removes His church from the scene, what do you think it's going to be like then?

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