Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Good vs Evil

I had two memorable encounters with humans yesterday. In the span of two minutes, God taught me something about Himself and revealed something about me.

Each Tuesday I go visit my friends at the place I used to work. I really look forward to Tuesdays - the conversations, the laughs, the hugs.

As part of my Tuesday trip I stop at our local McDonald's for a couple of cheeseburgers and a large Diet Coke. The drive-thru line was long and frustrating. I spent so much time staring at the white SUV in front of me I felt like I knew the owner.

Wisconsin plates starting with AGG-, the car was clean (not a speck of dirt on it), it was driven by a woman (painted fingernails and bracelet). Her credit card apparently wasn't working. She had to stick it in the machine twice!

Finally the car in front of me moved ahead and it was time for ME to pay for my order.

"That won't be necessary, sir. The person in front of you paid for your order."

What? Really? I waved a 'thank you wave' towards the car in front of me and it was gone.

I spent the next few minutes feeling grateful. I said a prayer of thanks and prayed for the woman who had just bought me lunch. Then a dark colored SUV pulled out in front of me and I had to slam on the brakes.

They were still moving rather slowly so I steered to the left so they could see me in their left side mirror. Suddenly the dark grey car swerved to the right and stepped on the brakes again. I was then given a one-finger salute.

During this second exchange I did nothing wrong. I didn't honk my horn, I didn't return the hand gesture, I just took it in stride.

As I got on the freeway I thought about the two vehicles I had just met. The clean, white vehicle was filled with grace and compassion. The dirty grey car had nastiness behind the wheel and was clearly looking out for "number one."

I am glad I encountered grace first, then the bad. Because someone had extended grace to me I was more likely to offer it to others. If it would have happened the other way around - frustration then grace - would I have returned the salute? Would I have tailgated them for a block or two? Who knows.

I quickly forgot about the dirty car and decided to be more like the clean car as I encounter others in my life.

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." - Romans 12:9-12

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