Monday, March 25, 2024

The Parable of The Snow Storm

Neither my wife nor I watched the weather Saturday night. Perhaps we should have. We were both planning to go hear our granddaughter sing in church on Sunday but, when we awoke, snow covered the ground. It was then that we found out it was supposed to snow all day.

"It can't!" my wife exclaimed. "I have to take treats in to church. I want to hear my granddaughter sing!" Yet the storm had come, whether we liked it or not. And there we were.

Just yesterday we were outside. I went walking in the woods, enjoying the clear, cloudless sky and bright sunshine. This all reminded me of something Jesus said.

“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all." - Luke 17:26-27

Oh, wonderful.

Have we become too busy these days? Maybe it's just me in my retirement looking back at the busy life I too used to live. But people just seem so busy. Too busy to even care about Jesus.

Maybe that's to harsh. Maybe people care about Jesus but just don't have time to read or study or serve or worship or even love.

It has been said that 'idle hands are the devils workshop.' I think Satan likes busy hands as well. Too busy for God.

And I'm just as bad. When I saw it snowing Sunday morning I didn't really want to drive into church. And I didn't. Is my safety more important than worshipping God? Ouch.

The point is this: Life can be full of distractions, if we let it get that way. Satan will try anything to keep us from worshipping, praying, and serving in Jesus' name. The question is, what would Jesus be doing? We're supposed to be like Him. Where would Jesus be?

Being safe is one thing, but allowing ourselves to become too busy is another.

Can we worship "in spirit and in truth" if we keep looking at our watches because the pastor is running late with his message? Or do we eventually stop going to church just because we don't like the church we're going to? "It's too inconvenient" or, "I don't like the music."

Decisions, decisions. We need to get beyond ourselves and do what is right in God's eyes.

If we have chosen Christ, the answer should be simple. Then why isn't it?

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