Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Tiny Life

I am currently building a tiny house in my yard. Its design and construction has taught me some valuable life lessons.

Prior to building it, I attended a tiny house seminar where they taught me some things to consider. Like this gem...

To get ready for living in a tiny house, go through everything you have and get rid of 90% of it. Then, do it again.

I also learned this valuable design concept....

Everything must have more than one purpose or it has not been thought through completely.

An example of this would be the couch in the "living room." It's a couch (1) that folds out into a bed (2) with storage underneath (3).

The roof over the door (1) comes off for transportation and then covers the front window to protect it from flying road debris (2).

In my old age I also use this tiny house concept of doing multiple things. When I go downstairs to get something I think, "What else do I need down there?" So I won't have to make the trip twice.

It's all about living efficiently, and with a purpose.

When I drive to visit friends I will listen to the Bible and pray along the way. I combine shopping trips with a round of disc golf before or after, and pick up litter as I play. Efficiency.

And moms, I don't have to tell YOU about multitasking.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

When my wife goes grocery shopping she buys some extra food items and drops them off at the food pantry.

Try this one. When you are paying for your meal at a drive-thru restaurant, also pay for the meal of the person behind you in line. You will not only touch them with the kindness of your hearts, but the heart of the cashier as well.

We are here for a reason, and a multitasking purpose. To love God, to love others, and to bring glory to God in everything we do. Multitasking in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

"Less is more." - Mies van der Rohe

“Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” - Mark 9:35

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