Wednesday, May 15, 2024


A young girl went to a Build-A-Bear shop in the mall. She got to create the exact bear she wanted. Color, style, clothing options, everything.

Her bear was unique, with all of its own qualities and characteristics. It seems that we adults like to have everything our way as well. I blame Burger King for this.

We are just like the kids these days when it comes to our designer belief systems. Our politics, our religions, even the way we like our coffee are designed to please US.

It's all about US.

A church should be all about God, not pleasing its people. However, many of our churches seem to feel that WE are the ones responsible for bringing people to the Lord, so we had better draw them to church however we can. That's not true.

"No one can come to the Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them." - John 6:44

There is one God. He is who He is. We can't change Him to become more presentable in our own eyes. We can't recreate him in OUR image. Yet, we seem to persist in our efforts. One day we shall ALL stand before the One True God.

Too late.

"Do people make their own gods? Yes, but they are not God's." - Jeremiah 16:20

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