Saturday, May 4, 2024

In The Storm

This past week we had a lot of storms in our area. We even lost power for a while. Being without power really gave us an appreciation for the things we often take for granted.

I was reading in the Book of Job after our power outage and came across this verse.

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm." - Job 40:6

We can feel quite "powerless" at times. Perhaps someone is sick and not getting any better. Or maybe it's a pet getting on in years. We know the end for them is coming and we feel powerless to change things.

There is tremendous power in prayer. And we should absolutely be praying every time we struggle. But I want you to notice something in that verse from Job.

Where was God when He spoke to Job? He was IN the storm! He wasn't outside of it or above it. God spoke to Job out of the storm. In the midst of it.

Another example of this is when Jesus calmed the storm.

"He (Jesus) got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm." - Mark 4:38

Jesus in the storm with the disciples. 

That reminds me of something - a Monday Night Football game. Brett Favre's father had died just the day before. Please watch the video and see the power of a son's love for his father. Listen to Favre's bride, Deanna, talking about her husband Brett, the bridegroom.

It is in the midst of our storms that God speaks to us. Not with words, as in Job's case, but in spirit. It is in the midst of our pain that we are finally willing to listen and seek His help. And that is when prayers get answered.

"If there was ever divine intervention He was there that night." - Brett Favre

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