Monday, February 18, 2019

The Still of the Night

My wife and I went for a candlelight hike through the woods this past weekend. Even though is was single digit temperatures outside we both were warm. Why? Because weren't thinking about ourselves.

We live right next to Hartman Creek State Park in Central Wisconsin. It is amazingly convenient for us. My wife goes there to swim in the summer months. I take long hike through the woods there, simply by walking out my back door.

Although we have often returned quite frozen in years past, that didn't happen this year. We were rather comfy. True, lessons learned from our past frigid excursions to this winter event taught us how to dress. Still there was something different.

Perhaps is was the stillness of the whole thing. There was no wind blowing. It could have been the near-full moon which illuminated the woods (in additions to the hundreds of candle-lit bags). Perhaps it was the sound and sight of running water as it flowed from lake to lake. Or, more likely, it was each other's company, as we walked, hand-in-hand through God's creation.

I think the main reason we felt so warm though was because it was a beautiful night and that was just it. There was no television, no crowded malls, no sound of people arguing, no Facebook, no phones. Just peace . . . and quiet.

God created places like Hartman Creek and, thank God, we humans had enough sense to set it aside for future generations to enjoy. Even God enjoyed "walking through the garden" now and then.

"7 Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the lake," - Mark 3:7

"13 Jesus went up on a mountainside " - Mark 3:13

My wife and I stopped several times along the way to just look at the beauty of the night. What a beautiful way to worship.

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." - Romans 1:20

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