Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Stories Though

There are so many bad stories in the news these days. Are you ready for a really good one for a change? Okay. Well, how about five?

Cool Story #1 - The young man in this picture is a high school student from Kaukauna, WI named Nathan. He gets good grades in school and is active on the robotics team. A fine young man.

His dad Ron is an engineer at the company I retired from last spring - The McMahon Group, Inc of Neenah, WI. My friend, Nathan's dad, bought this Toyota Camry and he and Nathan fixed it up and were looking for a place to donate it. What a cool story about mentorship, community service and parenting, all rolled into one!

Cool Story #2 - The lady in this picture is a friend of mine named Mary. She works in the healthcare industry in Weyauwega, WI. Mary is a single mom with a one-year-old son. She works hard, is engaged to be married and loves The Lord.

Recently her car died. The same thing happened to her fiancé's car. She had to rely on family and friends for rides to and from work and wherever else she needed to go. I guess that's not really a cool story. Unless there is a Cool Story #3. And here it is.

While my wife and I were attending the company Christmas party this past January, Ron came up to me and asked if I knew of anyone who could use a car. At the time I wasn't aware of Mary's need but I knew that her fiancé's car had perished so I made a call. Indeed! There was a need! It turned out Mary's car had just died too!

Calls were exchanged, final tweaks were made to the car, and a meeting was arranged. This past Monday night all three cool stories merged into one. Ron and son Nathan gave the keys to the car to someone they had never met. Pretty cool!

There is a cool twist to these stories I have just told you. A fourth story. The lady who sold Ron the car was also a single mom. The car in the picture had just "died" for her so she decided to sell it. Someone had given HER a car so. And when Ron found that this lady's car was easily repairable, he offered it back to her. She said no, she already had that gifted car and maybe somebody else could use it.

Now that I think of it, there is a fifth Cool Story. I got to be the middle man between these fine men and the damsel in distress. I didn't really do anything at all. But I get to witness the cool things that God does in the world around me and then write a story about it.

All these stories testify to the greatness of God. These stories are a reminder of how God works. He creates in us hearts filled with compassion and a strong faith. He gives us special gifts that we all can use to glorify His name. In the end, everyone winds and He gets the glory. It was a joy to be able to stand by and watch these stories come together . . . for good.

"28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

All Things - Covenant Worship

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