Monday, March 11, 2019

Early Morning Ideas

In the silence of the morning is when I find that my mind works best. Perhaps it's because I have no immediate deadline to meet or checklist to complete. I just stare out the window, dreaming, with my eyes open.

Some say it's the Holy Spirit. I don't know. I hear no words. But my mind does go places it otherwise wouldn't, in the morning. Ideas just pop into my mind for no apparent reason at all and often they lead to wonderful things.

It's easy to tell when God is behind an idea. It's like it has a mind of its own. Puzzle pieces just fall into place without anyone lifting a finger to put them there. Like this past weekend.

Sunday morning I was sitting in my chair in the living room, looking out the window. Suddenly an idea popped into my head for a Bible study. Not quite your everyday early morning thought. It seemed so perfect.

Another thing about these early morning "ideas" is that they usually are to the benefit of someone else, not me. Another sign it's from God. If my early morning thoughts were about ME and making ME happy, they would probably be from Satan.

There are many people in my life who could benefit from a Bible study right now. The subject matter of a study also found its way to conscious thought this past weekend. It was the subject of my blog on Saturday. Hmm.

Do things like that happen to you? Sudden ideas, realizations of something you wouldn't otherwise think of. That happens often enough in MY life to make me sit up and take notice. "Where the heck did THAT come from?" is my usual response.

I don't spend too much time focused on the answer to that question. Instead I try to figure out how I can accomplish it. Ideas just seem to flow, especially in the early morning hours.

The following video was one I first saw in the early morning hours this past weekend. It gave me inspiration for writing this story, for the Bible study and it served as a reminder that, whatever I am doing in this life, do so for the benefit of others and for the glory of God.

"In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch." - Psalm 5:3

Create Happiness In Everything You Do

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