Saturday, March 16, 2019

Road Closed Ahead

Wisconsin weather is wonderful, isn't it. It was 57 degrees here on Thursday. Then it rained and began to snow on Friday. It's hard to tell what lies ahead when it comes to the weather around here. The same can be said for our faith.

It seems like every weatherman has a different idea about what the weather is going to be like. The only sure way to know the weather is to stick your head out the window and take a look.

We've had a lot of snow this winter. Too much, many would say. When the weather turned warmed and then it rained after that, there was a lot to water trying to go somewhere. In many places it ended up going where it shouldn't - flooding highways, coming into people's houses and businesses. It sure would be nice to know what's on the road ahead without plowing into it ourselves without having a clue.

I was talking with a friend of mine a few days ago. He's a Buddhist. We have differing points of view when it comes to our faith and what lies ahead. My faith says that believers have eternal life. My friend believes we lead multiple lives, over and over again.

That's what each of us believes (in a nutshell and WAY over simplified). We believe that but clearly one of us is wrong. Who will it be? Each of us believes we are right. We'll both find out one day. For one of us the road will be "closed ahead" for our belief system.

My friend and I had a decent discussion. We parted as we began, as friends. There was no condemnation or judgement, but there were quite a few questions.

The road for all of us on our faith journey will be filled with detours, potholes, one-way street signs and detours. The only way we can arrive at our faith's destination is to follow the truth. May we always seek the truth in our faith walk. It will surely set us free.

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” - John 14:6-7

Jesus, a Jew, spoke very harshly of the Jewish leaders. and all none-believers for that matter. The question remains, how do we respond to differing opinions about which road to take?

The following is a very pointed and convicting sermon by John Piper. It's 47 minutes long but it's worth it. Have you been called to follow Jesus? I hope so. If not, watch out for those road closed signs on your journey ahead. Or worse yet, the sign that reads "dead end."

The Truth Will Set You Free - John Piper

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