Monday, July 13, 2020

For What Purpose?

Do you believe that things happen for a reason? I do. Does someone orchestrate these "coincidences" that life throws at us? Is it God? It has to be!

I have been a born-again believer in Jesus for over 14 years now and have seen enough amazing "coincidences" in my life to convince me that things do in fact happen for a reason. God is that reason. He is the cause, the perpetrator, and the orchestrator of ALL things.

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." - Colossians 1:17

A friend and I were playing disc golf on Saturday when my buddy's tee shot went wide left on Hole #3. We searched for it in the thick brush and finally found it but not before finding another disc as well (see picture).

The found disc was an older model. Some might consider it a collector disc. My friend who found it  definitely thought it was worthy. As he gave me the disc he said, "If you don't find the owner, let me know, I'll put it in my collection."

You see, I run our league's Facebook page and we advertise lost and found discs. Most disc never make it back to their owners. No name or phone number on them. That's MOST discs. This particular found disc had the owner's name, phone number and PDGA number on it! This disc really wanted to go home!

Isn't it odd that the person who now had the disc also had access to the PDGA player database. Hmm. Strange. A search was made and the disc's owner was found. He lives in Stevens Point - a community about 20 minutes down the road.

I also just happen to be a member of the Point Disc Golf group on Facebook. Hmm. I wonder. So I searched their membership list and there was the disc's owner! So I sent him a message. You won't believe the reply I received.

"Oh my gosh! That's awesome!"

And WHY was it awesome, you might ask?

"That disc was one that I had in my bag when it was stolen out of my truck."

Wow! And now here it was, heading back to its owner . . . tomorrow. But for what reason? What purpose?

You see, this whole thing, in my opinion, this whole chain of events, is too weird to be strung together by anyone other than the God Himself. His name is written all over it, just like this golf disc had it's owner's name written on it. But why would God do this?

Well, on Tuesday I am driving up to Point to meet this guy. He will be happy to get his disc back. He will also be happy to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And how do I know that? God didn't bring that disc this far without having a purpose behind it. And God placed it in the hands of one of His children, who once was lost. And now I can tell the disc's owner a story about how "I once was lost but now am found."

"But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'" - Luke 15:32

God is very good at finding lost things and reuniting them with their owner. You and I were lost. But then we were found. Let us thank God for His willingness to pursue us and search for us and for calling us to Himself like He did. We were all hopelessly lost. But God never gave up the search. And now we are going back home to our Owner where we belong.

[This story will also be appearing on Disc Golf Devo's Facebook page]

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