Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Do you have dreams? I'm not talking about the dreams we have while we're sleeping. I'm talking about the things we'd like to see happen in our lives.

The perfect marriage, a big, beautiful house, an RV, motor cycle or boat. All these things can be the focus of dreams.

As we age our dreams change. Circumstances sometimes don't allow us to fulfill our dreams. Our spouse might leave us and take the house or a job night come to an end and we will no longer be able to afford the things we dreamed of.

As we mature our dreams can change as well. We begin to think about others more -  less materialistic things. What are your dreams today? What dreams do you have for your children? Your grandchildren?

Perhaps it will be that they live in a virus-free work or where people aren't so opinionated. It might be that we dream of a time when we are more loving or that everyone has enough food to eat. We could also dream of a world with less violence and sin.

There is one dream that would accomplish many of these dreams all at once if it came true today. What if we dreamed of a world in which everyone knew Jesus? Think about it. Everyone loving each other and obeying His commands.

There would be no more hunger. If Jesus was real in our lives we would feed everyone. We would cloth everyone. There would be no more orphans wandering our streets. There would be no more sex trafficking, No more pornography. No more sin. God would bless His children.

That time is coming. But for now all we can do is dream. Dream of that day when we can all live together in peace and harmony. Perhaps today will be the day that dream comes true. We came dream, can't we?

"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." - Acts 2:17

Dreams - Van Halen (and the Blue Angels)

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