Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Shadow of Turning

When I was in the Boy Scouts, many moons ago, we learned how not to get lost in the woods. We also learned how to find our way out if we DO get lost. Both lessons can save your life.

The first lesson is pretty simple - Be Prepared. That's the Scout motto actually. Anytime you are going to be hiking cross-country - be prepared. Take a map, a compass, water and some snacks. Basically, prepare yourself NOT to get lost. But also prepare yourself in case you DO get lost.

Know your surroundings. Know what direction you are hiking in. Know that there is a road to the east and a lake to the west for example. If you are hiking south and your feet start getting wet, turn left!

There is another way to guide yourself through the woods - the sun. If it's noon and you see your shadow straight in front of you, you're walking north. Pretty simple.

The Son, Jesus Christ, can guide us in our daily walk as well. If we walk through life with an open Bible in our hands, it's hard for our hearts to get lost. God's Word never changes. As the old hymn says, "There is no shadow or turning with thee."

Everything we encounter in life is an opportunity to check our bearings. Watching the news, what we hear at work and at school all offer directions to take in life. Are they right? That depends on what we are using for a compass?

The best compass we have at our disposal is God's Word - The Bible. But are we using it? It doesn't do us much good if it is sitting at home on the shelf while we are lost in the wilderness of sin.

Be prepared by reading the Bible.  Know your surroundings by discerning truth from lies. The best way to know what a lie is is to KNOW the truth. Anything else will just get you lost.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." - James 1:17

Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Chris Rice

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