Monday, June 28, 2021

Blind Guides

If you were taking a tour of the Grand Canyon, would you hire a blind guide to lead the way? Possibly. But what if you were blindfolded as well? Would you trust their guidance then?

Jesus had some interesting advice about "tour guides" in the Book of Matthew.

"Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

"Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?

"He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. - Matthew 15:13-14

That sounds a little harsh. Or does it? Go back and read verse 13.

Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots."

Maybe this is just me but, I don't want to be "spiritually blind." I want to have my eyes open in ALL things. But I am missing the point here. What Jesus is talking about are people who don't know Him, and never will. They are people that "my Father has not planted."

Have YOU been planted by God? All those who believe in Jesus HAVE been planted by God, and have hopefully bloomed and bore fruit!

So, should we even talk to others about Jesus then? It sounds like, from the verses we just read, that we are to leave "the blind" alone. I can answer that with one simple question.

How do you know that God doesn't want to use YOU to plant His seed?

I think what Jesus was trying to tell here is that people make their own decisions. They can choose to follow truthful teachers. Or, they can choose to follow false teachers. The choice is theirs. It's an eternal choice for each of us. And, to be honest, getting "pulled up by the roots" doesn't sound all that inviting.

We must not be afraid to tell someone about Jesus. He is our only hope. Do we love Jesus enough to step outside of our comfort zone? Jesus never walked in a "comfort zone." He walked willingly to His own death, carrying the very thing that killed Him.

Who will God place in our path today who needs to hear the good news? . . . The Gospel.

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