Monday, June 14, 2021

Our Disobedience

"I have spoken to you again and again and yet you have not listened to me."
- Jeremiah 35:14

When you were a kid, how did your patents get your attention? How did they get you to do something you really didn't want to do?

Mine threatened to take away things. No tv, no allowance, no dessert. Want to borrow the car? Nope. Not until you've done your chores. Not until you've done your homework.

Do you think God is any different than our moms and dads? Well, of course He is! But the way He teaches us and incentivizes our behavior is very similar to that of our parents.

For the most parent parents teach us because they want us to be safe or to succeed in life. They teach us, and punish us, for our own benefit. God is no different in His teaching. However His punishments carry heavier weights. Like death, for example.

God commands us to do things. He wants us to be holy, but we all fall short. We fail to obey. So God is forced to discipline us, again and again. Because we fail Him again and again.

However, God provides us with the means to escape His just punishments. His Son, Jesus. Jesus took our punishment upon Himself. That sounds great for us, until we actually think a bout what Jesus did. He died a horrible, painful death just so we didn't have to die.

Yet still many people don't appreciate what Jesus did. They don't believe in Him. They don't accept God's gift of salvation. Here's a short list of words to describe those people.

Foolish, Deceived, and dead.

Please, don't be among those who rebel against God. It is OUR disobedience that brings punishment. WE have the choice. We must consider God and His commands carefully. God's justness demands punishment for sin. Jesus took that punishment for us. Don't let that incredible gift go unopened.

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