Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Be An Example

My wife and I had our eight-year-old grandson over for a visit this week. We always love having our grandchildren come see us. We had all kinds of fun things planned too. For me, I took him disc golfing and played catch with him in the yard. It was on our way back home from the disc golf course that I learned a valuable lesson . . . from my grandson.

I was driving as we neared our house. My grandson was in the back seat on his booster chair. Still a block from home, I took off my seat belt without thinking. As soon as I clicked that button I thought to myself, ,"I shouldn't have done that." I'm a role model for my grandchildren. Sure enough, a few seconds later, my grandson removed HIS seatbelt.

Children are sponges; absorbing everything they see and hear. They are copy cats, learning and growing by following the example of their teachers.

Jesus didn't have to worry about unbuckling His seat belt too often but He WAS an example to His disciples and followers. Jesus said this to His disciples:

"For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you." - John 13:15

That one click of my grandson's seatbelt taught ME a lesson. I have to be more diligent about my conduct in this world. Someone is always watching. And it's not just for the benefit of our children.

Do you speed when driving your car? I often do. Not by much but I'll drive 5MPH over the posted limit upon occasion . . . okay, full disclosure, I USUALLY do that. I also have a cross hanging from my rear view mirror. Am I a good example of a Christian? Breaking the law when Jesus told me not to?

Do we curse in the presence of our children? Do we drink alcohol in excess? Do we yell at the television set? What TV shows do we watch in the presence of our kids? Do we exhibit grace in line at the grocery store?

We must constantly be one guard in how we live our lives and interact with others in this world. We are an example for others of what it means to be a Christian. Do we "wear" Jesus well? Will people look at us and see Him?

"Be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." - Ephesians 5:1-2

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

We must walk like Jesus walked. Think like He did - always teaching. Always in obedience to HIS Father. Not only in word but in deed.

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