Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Truth Or Lie

There are lots of words floating around out there these days. Most are false. Some have actually been proven true. So, how can we separate the truth from all of the lies out there? How can we know, with certainty, that what we perceive and believe is actually the truth? Trust.

Maybe we should trust our leaders then. Hmm. There are lots of lying politicians out there as well.

Who do you trust to never lie to you? Your two-year old? Your spouse? Your best friend? Your doctor? Your pastor or priest? It is difficult to come up with any kind of lengthy list because so few people actually qualify.

We think we can trust our pastors to be truthful yet we hear stories about sexual abuse of children amongst their number. We think our government leaders should be truthful but, quite honestly, they are amongst the worst offenders when it comes to telling the truth.

God had a good way to tell the difference between and actual prophet of God and a false prophet. Everything a true profit spoke actually came true.

I don't trust any of the major "news" networks. Nor do I trust any politicians. They all have agendas they are trying to promote. At least it seems that way to me anyway. I want someone who is actually truthful at ALL times and in all situations.

This is the point in my story where I tell you about Jesus and how you can trust Him. The Bible says He cannot lie. He is God. It is against His nature. But don't believe me. I'm just a human. Read the Bible for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Some say that the Bible was written by men and therefore cannot be trusted. That statement is a lie in itself. It was written DOWN by men but the text was dictated to man by God. But don't trust me. Read it for yourself.

"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." - Psalm 25:5

"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies." - Psalm 34:13

"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him." - Proverbs 30:5

Little Lies - Fleetwood Mac

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