Wednesday, February 14, 2024


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." - Matthew 5:13

After Jesus gave His Beatitudes speech on the Mount of Olives He told His followers what you just read. "You are the salt of the earth."

Why did Jesus call them salt? And why is the name of this story "5%"? Well . . . 

Salt. Back in Jesus' day salt was used as a preservative, to cleanse newborn babies (a disinfectant), and for fertilizer. Fertilizer? 

Yes! Where did the Jewish people get their salt? From the Dead Sea. Dead Sea salt is Potassium Chloride, not Sodium Chloride like our table salt. Potassium Chloride,  also known as Potash, is a fertilizer. It helps things grow.

Salt changes the things it comes into contact with simply by being what it is. Is that what we do? Do we change people simply by being who we are in their presence? Let's go read what Luke had to say about salt.

“Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away." - Luke 14:34-35

How much salt do we need then? When a community contains just 5% active Christians, it begins to change for the better. Judging by today's headlines we need lots of salt!

But the thing about salt is that it needs to come into contact with the dirt, with what it is intended to cleanse. How is THAT done? By being out in the community. By reaching out to the hurting, the sick, and the poor. We can help those around us grow in their faith simply by being with them. It's called fellowship.

Salt in our kitchen is useless while it's just sitting in the salt shaker. Only when we put it on a steak, or on some french fries, does it serve its purpose.

If we are to be salt in this world, where should WE be? At home in our living rooms watching TV? Or being poured out into the lives of those around us?

We are purveyors of the Gospel. If I sit at home simply reading my Bible, am I truly fulfilling my purpose as "the salt of the earth?"

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