Friday, September 20, 2024

Same Difference

A friend of mine asked me to listen to a song recently, so I did. It wasn't my favorite kind of music (lots of screaming). But my usual criteria for song quality is 'what do the lyrics say?'

The song appears to be about our human nature to consume life. Words life 'greed,' 'wanting,' 'consuming,' and 'mine' appear in the opening verses. But then there was this line:

"The reflection I see doesn't look like the man I want to be."

Hmm. Is that repentance? Regret?

There comes a point in everyone's life when we must choose who we want to be. Do we continue with the life we have always lived? Or do we make a change and start fresh?

The song continues with more self-absorbed lines until this...

"What if I gave it all away, and shed the layers of the selfishness I hate? I want to be free but I'm so afraid that I am too far gone and I'm stuck with all the choices I have made."

And there it is. This is the point where the Gospel does its best work. This guy needs to read the Bible and learn the good news about Jesus.

In the Book of Luke we can find the story of a similar man - the thief on the cross. Here are HIS words as he reached the same point in life that this song writer did.

“Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” - Luke 23:40-41

This guy, a thief and murderer, recognized he was a sinner. He knew he was deserving of death. Yet Jesus saved him. Why?

Because God loves every one of us. And, no matter what we have done, if we wake up and recognize our sinful state and acknowledge that Jesus is the only way for us to be saved from our just punishment, WE WILL BE SAVED.

There are different types of songs out there is this world, just like there are different types of people. But there is only ONE Savior. And His name is Jesus.

Believe in God, receive His Holy Spirit, and be saved.

Finally, to quote the lyrics of another song...

"I was dead in my sin, separated from you,
I was lost, without hope, not a thing I could do
I needed a rescue, I found mercy in You.

Jesus, you are the door to salvation,
For all who believe, You made a way, you are The Way, Jesus."

You Made A Way - AIG VBS

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