Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Nearly 250 years ago, "our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Abraham Lincoln spoke those words as part of his Gettysburg address to a nation reeling after a brutal and bloody civil war. We were at war because half the nation (the Democrats) thought that slavery was okay. They were unpopular.

Keep his words in mind as we enter into this last phase of a presidential election year. And note that we were "created" equal.

What is "equal?" DEFINE equal.

When Jesus walked this earth 2,000 years ago "equality" was not a thing. "Nation would rise up against nation." There were "wars and rumors of wars."

Oh, wait. Sorry. That's the world we are living in right now. But things were similar back then too.

Equality is defined as "like for each member of a group, class, or society."

Are we all equal right now? No. There are different classes, income levels, educational differences. Are we "equal" under the law? No. We are not equal in many ways. So, what happened?


Abe was right when he said we were created equal. God created Adam. God created Eve. But then Satan got Eve to believe a lie. And Eve got Adam to sin. What a mess!

Sin is what "creates" inequality. And we, through our sin, became followers of Satan rather than God.

But then Jesus came and we were given the opportunity to follow HIM instead of Satan. More inequality as Christians began to spread the Gospel. Jesus and His followers became unpopular in the eyes of Satan and of man.

When we Christians open our mouths and speak the truth about God and sin WE become "unpopular" in the eyes of the media and the present government of this once great country.

If we say that we'd like to 'Make America Great Again' we become exceedingly unpopular.

In this writer's opinion, the only way we can save this country and make it great again is for us to all follow Jesus. Then there would  be the equality that everyone's looking for. But until that happens things will remain the same.

From what we read in the Bible true equality will never happen in this world until Jesus reigns in His kingdom. And because Satan rules the earth right now, our only hope is in Jesus. And that hope is VERY unpopular with him.

"Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." - Revelation 21:1

Unpopular - Skillet

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