Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Sound

These days there are sounds in the sky, familiar yet different. Far off at first, then growing in intensity until our heads are turned skyward. "There!" we point. "There it is!"

That paragraph could have described many things. I flight of geese heading south in the fall. It could be the sound of an airplane, especially these days around here. Our house is in the flight path for many planes as they travel to EAA - The Experimental Aircraft Association's fly-in.

One day the air will be filled with a different sound - something all together different. It will be the sound of a trumpet. We will all go running outside to see what it is. We will point skyward as we see a large cloud unrolling across the sky. Most will wonder what it is. Some, however, will know. The ones who know are called The Elect. The trumpet will be the sound we hear as we leave this place.

“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens." - Mark 13:26-27

There is a poem I heard once. It is about flight. But, I think, it could also apply to The Church, as we "meet Him in the air." What do YOU think?

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air… .
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high in trespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
— John Gillespie Magee, Jr

Memphis Belle Takeoff
Shofar Sound

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