Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Tipping Point

There comes a time in our thinking and in our hearts, when we choose to change. Something has led us there. A set of circumstances perhaps or maybe a disease. We humans eventually get to a point where we chose to try something else, or believe something else. It's usually because something's not working and we desperately want SOMETHING to work. Something to believe in. Welcome to the tipping point.

What makes a person desperate enough to reach out for help or to make the decision to end their life? Where is that tipping point? And what decides which way things tip?

I think there are two factors in most tipping point decisions - truth and love.

Everybody has their own version of truth. or should I say everybody has their own opinion of what the truth is. "The World" sees the truth and being relative. What's right for one person is wrong for another. News flash. There is only ONE truth.

God hates sin. Lying is a sin. Therefore God hates lying. If God hates lying I think it's a good idea to always speak the truth. And to do that we always need to know what is truth and what is a lie. That's a tipping point. Always tip in favor of the truth. If we find we are not walking in the truth we must change. There is only one truth. If we are not living it and breathing it we are no better than Satan, the father of lies.

Love is the other ingredient that we need to exhibit. I had a lady give me some light fixtures and a ceiling fan for the tiny home I am building for those in need of emergency shelter. I hardly knew her yet after we got done loading them into my car, I gave her a hug because she was helping people we both love - those in need.

Look at your family and friends right now. Is anyone living a lie? Is anyone without love? Examine God's Word. It is filled with truth. If we are merely vessels, filled with God's Holy Spirit, we need to be pouring out that love and truth to others in need around us.

Today, let's be active vessels and do some dispensing of the love that God has shown us by pouring ourselves into the lives of others in His name. Call someone, text someone, tell someone you love them. It may be just what that person needs to hear today.

In the following message Pastor Matt Chandler delivers a sermon at a seeker sensitive, self-focused mega church. In his message Matt provides them and us with a tipping point in OUR walk with Jesus. Is God for us or is He for His own glory?

Matt Chandler - Code Orange Revival

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