Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New You!

Yes, that's right. It's a new year. Nothing gets past this old man! It's 2019 now. For those of us who still write checks, it's our worst nightmare. Just when we had gotten used to writing 2018, now we have to change all that.

There are lots of people who make New Year's resolutions. I usually don't do that but this year I'm going to. How about you? Is there something about you that you'd like to change?

I was talking to a friend of mine last night. She wanted to make herself better. She wanted to change the way she is into something that's she's not. That's the problem with most New Year's resolutions. They require us to do work. They require us to change. That ain't always so easy.

It says in the Bible that when we receive Jesus into our hearts WE become changed. In an instant! But then, after that, we continue to change over time. For the rest of our lives. That's called sanctification.

Sanctification occurs as we learn more about God - through sermons, Bible studies and reading God's Word. But we need to actually do those things in order for us to grow. We need to do the work. Are YOU doing those things?

A follower of Christ should be worshipping, reading, praying and serving. We also should be growing. If we're stagnant we aren't doing ourselves any favors. We aren't doing GOD any favors either.

God has given us everything we need to grow. His Word, His Holy Spirit and Jesus. He has also given us friends and family to encourage us along the way.

Did you ever wonder why Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you" to His disciples? Was He talking about the poor, as in the ones with no money? Or was Jesus talking about the spiritually poor?

Jesus doesn't want us to be spiritually poor. He wants us to be spiritually rich. He wants us to grow.

Have you ever read The Parable of The Talents? You should. God expects us to do something with this life we have been given. Something for HIS glory.

That sounds like an amazing New Year's resolution. Let everything we do, be done for the Lord.

New Year's Resolution #1 - "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

God's Chisel - Skit Guys

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